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Interchain Tokens have received a major update as of November 2023 deployed with many new features! Read on to learn about all of the new capabilities and check out the Interchain Portal.

Interchain Tokens and the Interchain Token Service

Web3 has gone cross-chain, with assets bridging between blockchains and developers deploying applications everywhere. But bridged tokens lose their fungibility and their custom features, and it's costly to mint tokens on multiple chains.

Interchain Tokens go beyond legacy bridges. The Interchain Token Service (ITS) allows ERC-20 tokens to be available on multiple blockchains. It preserves native token qualities while allowing you to easily manage token features and token supply. Interchain Tokens run on open-source code via smart contracts on a public blockchain secured by a dynamic validator set. With ITS, you can have multiple blockchains with canonical versions of your token that all share a single EVM address.

You can either create new Interchain Tokens from scratch or update tokens that already exist on a supported blockchain.

Deploy Interchain Token

ITS allows you to deploy Interchain Tokens. An Interchain Token is an ERC20 that is connected to ITS upon deployment. It comes built in with the interchainTransfer() function, which allows users to bridge their token between any blockchain which it is deployed to. To deploy this token you can go through the Interchain Token Factory contract. When you trigger the registerCanonicalInterchainToken() function that will trigger the flow of registering your custom token with a Lock/Unlock token manager type to your token's home chain. Now that you have registered your token on the home chain you can call the deployRemoteCanonicalInterchainToken(). This will deploy an Interchain Token on a different blockchain that will be connected to your canonical token on the home chain you registered when you called the previous function. Note: This is just one of many different flows you can choose to follow when interacting with ITS.

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Interchain Transfer

Once your token is connected to ITS you can call the interchaintTransfer() function to send a cross chain transaction for your token. If your token inherits in the Interchain Token Standard then you will have this function built into the token. The interchainTransfer() will trigger a flow that will interact with ITS to either lock or burn your token on the source chain (depending on the Token Manager type) and then mint your token on the destination chain.

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